Concord School

Victorian Pathways Certificate (VPC)

The educational program for students in Secondary 11/12 promotes adult standards of behaviour based on cooperation, independence and self-discipline.

Students in Secondary 11/12 are studying the Victorian Pathways Certificate.  This course is undertaken over a two-year period. The program is competency based and students are required to demonstrate skill acquisition and understanding through functional application both at school and in the community. Decisions on the structure of a students’ program are based on individual needs, academic assessments and the considered view of teaching and Allied Health staff based on their knowledge of students and prospective programs.

Victorian Pathways Certificate (VPC)

The four strands of VPC are:

  • Literacy 
  • Numeracy
  • Personal Development Skills (PDS)
  • Work Related Skills (WRS) 

Integrated Studies

In VPC these strands are fully integrated as in the adult world and not taught in isolation.  All literacy, numeracy, PDS and WRS aspects are taught within a common theme across the week.  Each theme lasts for one term, providing students with a taste of a variety of employment options and gaining a deeper understanding of different employment opportunities.  Students also spend a lot of time out in the community learning about themselves, their place within their community and what that might look like for them once they complete their formal education.    

Students are offered a rich variety of activities within the following programs:

  • Horticulture
  • Earn and Learn
  • Basic Office Skills
  • Entrepreneur Skills

In Year 12 there is more emphasis on the next steps for students with the themes of: 

  • Connecting with the Community
  • Giving Back

Preparing our students for a successful life beyond school. 

Industry Specific Skills 

Students also undertake Industry Specific Skills and are offered supported Vocational Training, completing Units of Competency towards the following qualifications

  • Employability Skills
  • Certificate I in Employment Pathways
  • Certificate I in Horticulture
  • Certificate II in Creative Industries
  • Certificate II in Sport and Recreation
  • Certificate II in Kitchen Operations
  • Certificate II in Construction
  • Certificate II in Retail Cosmetics
  • Certificate II in Salon Assistant

These qualifications are delivered both on and off campus and two of these options must be undertaken as part of the VPC.

Structured Workplace Learning

All students also have access to supported or independent work placements.

Our structured workplace coordinator discusses the interests of students and then seeks suitable work placements for them.  Work placements also occur in community-based volunteer programs.   Our School also offers School Based Apprenticeships to suitable students through Water2All, Connecting2Australia and Headstart.

Transitions Program

Students and Families are also provided with a full transition program beginning in February with a careers expo that is open for all families to attend.  This is then followed up with Transition meetings with our Assistant Principal, Transitions Coordinator and family members to discuss the best next steps for students.  Plans are then put into place to prepare for a smooth transition for students and families to life beyond school. 

Special Events

Students enrolled in the VPC are also a part of several special events. 

The Year 11 camp focuses on the City of Melbourne and its reason for being such a popular city and exploring as an adult.  The Year 12 students have an interstate trip to Sydney for 4 days. 

Our Year 11’s also have a very special evening at their Presentation Ball at the Centre Ivanhoe in August and Year 12’s have a Graduation Ceremony in December at the Uni Hill Conference Centre. 

Concord Concord