Concord School

Enrolment Procedure

In order for students to be enrolled at Concord School, your child requires an Intellectual Disability Diagnosis with a Full-Scale IQ score assessed between 50 and 70. Enrolments may require Special School Verification confirmation from the Department of Education or active Program for Students with Disabilities Funding under the Intellectual Disability category.

Students who live within Concord School’s designated bus zone are eligible for free DE bus transport to and from school. See Enrolment/Bus Transport for further information.

For further information regarding eligibility, including organising a school tour, please contact the relevant Campus Principal.

Principal ClassLearning AreaTelephone
Kath Moore- Assistant PrincipalLower Primary- Watsonia Campus9432 7978
Matthew Di Domenica - PrincipalUpper Primary and Secondary- Bundoora Campus9467 3972