Concord School

School Uniform

There is a strong belief that the wearing of school uniform encourages a school identity, promotes a sense of pride in the school and promotes an ethos of equality. School uniform is compulsory and must be worn in a correct manner at all times.

The Concord School Primary uniform must be worn by all students in the Primary School. The Concord School Secondary uniform must be worn by all students in the Secondary School.

School uniform can be purchased from the school uniform shop which is located at the Bundoora Campus. Please call the Bundoora Campus office on 9467 3972 to make an appointment to visit the shop, onsite.

Orders can be made at the Bundoora campus office or via phone, email or with the student. Please include order form with payment details. If paying by cash, please use correct money. Your order can be sent home with your child or collected from the office.

Only school caps and hats may be worn.  Staff and students in the Primary School are expected to wear hats while outside during Terms 1 and 4.  Staff and students in the Secondary School are strongly encouraged to wear hats while outside during Terms 1 and 4.