Student Wellbeing staff play an important role within Concord School. They are there to support students who are at risk of disengagement and not achieving their educational potential.
Ensuring our students are positively engaged in as many aspects of school life as possible is however a whole school endeavour and the wellbeing staff work closely with senior staff, teachers, therapists and classroom assistants from across the school. The Wellbeing team provides direct day-to-day support for students, wrap around services, develops partnerships with community agencies, works with families where appropriate, addresses attendance issues, provides direct therapeutic support to students and supports staff in how they can bring out the best in our students.
Importantly the wellbeing team focuses on the happiness of our students and strives to ensure all students are engaged and enjoying learning and life at Concord School.
Please feel free to contact the wellbeing team either via the child’s teacher or directly to Bronwyn Hart.